Beginner GameMaker Tutorial - Your Own Action-Adventure

>> Create Your Game In 30 Minutes

Let's Make A Game.

Start with the Hero's Trail tutorial and get your first game up and running within 30 minutes.

Modify it to your heart's content to truly make it your own.

Then upload it to, a place for gamers and creators, and share it with your friends for free!

What's Next?

Now that you have created your first game, let's take a deeper dive into GameMaker and look at more ways to modify Hero's Trail:

  ❱ Understanding GameMaker with Hero's Trail

Then jump into our various additions to Hero's Trail to add and customize various features:

  ❱ 🎁 Unlockable chests and gates

  ❱ 🦇 New enemies and health system

  ❱ 🌟 Power-ups and shield

  ❱ 🔊 Audio, pausing and UI

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