Is Brazil The New Home Of Indie Gaming?


We know Brazil for its coffee, the Amazon rainforest, and perfecting football at the 1970 World Cup, but could it also become the new home of indie gaming?

Here at GameMaker, we’ve seen a steady rise in game engine downloads and indie game uploads from Brazil, which got us thinking about the indie scene in the world’s fifth-largest nation.

We didn’t have to dig for long to discover the passionate development community fuelling the country’s brewing indie revolution.

If you’re feeling native this Brazil Week, this article is also available in Portuguese.

GameMaker in Brazil

Brazil has been flying up the ranks in a number of key GameMaker metrics over the last few years:

  • Between 2019 and 2021, new Brazilian GameMaker users increased by 65%, and the number of projects exported by Brazilian game devs also increased by 63%
  • Since January 2022, Brazil has been the third-highest source of GameMaker downloads anywhere in the world, surpassed only by the US and UK
  • Brazilians have also consistently been among the top three monthly active users of GameMaker since the start of 2022


Number of games exported by Brazilian GameMaker users

Moonleap and the #NoticeMe Game Jam

We’d been tracking Brazil’s meteoric rise for a few months by the time the #NoticeMe Game Jam was reaching its exciting conclusion.

Among the contenders was a 2D puzzle platformer called Moonleap, submitted by Brazilian game developer Guselect.

Between its polished pixel art and its deceptively simple gameplay, we knew Moonleap would prove popular among the voting public, but we couldn’t have predicted the reaction of the Brazilian game dev community.

Tô entre os finalistas da #NoticeMe Game Jam então ME AJUDEM COM UM LIKE, RT E VOTEM NO MOONLEAP 🌜✨ Jogue: Vote:

— guselect ✨ (@guselect 30 March, 2022)

Guselect’s Tweet garnered over 700 retweets and nearly 2,000 likes. The Brazilian gaming community had mobilised, and by the time voting closed on April 5th, Moonleap had accrued thousands of votes to claim the crown.


Moonleap, winner of #NoticeMe Game Jam 2022

GameMaker Brazil Week 2022

In 2022, GameMaker ran its first-ever Brazil Week (#GameMakerBrazil), highlighting the nation’s rising indie scene and the developers that helped put them on the map.

Over the week, we interviewed four developers:

  • Nana Moon, head of the Keylocker development team
  • Gagonfe, developer of’ first free premium game, Doomed to Hell
  • Thiago Olivera, developer of Red Ronin
  • Guselect, developer of #NoticeMe Game Jam winner, Moonleap

On the final day of Brazil Week, we also published our first Portuguese GameMaker tutorial, created by Guselect.

The tutorial is currently only available in Portuguese, but we’ll be translating it into English in the near future.

Which games were made by Brazilian developers?

“Alright, GameMaker’s popularity in Brazil is interesting and all,” we hear you cry, ”But what about the games?”.

Some of the best games developed in Brazil include:


32 games made by Brazilian developers

Which game developers come from Brazil?

Some of the most well-known Brazilian game developers include:

Brazilian GameMaker resources

Here’s a list of some of the stand-out Brazilian GameMaker resources we found, but if you know of any others that deserve to feature here, let us know!

Brazilian GameMaker forums

The two most popular Brazilian GameMaker forums are:

Both GMBR and The Game Makers Brasil offer their own community-made tutorials to help newcomers get up to speed, and even their own assets and art files to download.

Both forums also feature a completed projects section to showcase the incredible work of their communities.

Brazilian GameMaker YouTubers

Some of the most popular Brazilian GameMaker YouTubers we found include:

All four creators offer video tutorials and discussions on a range of GameMaker topics, including tile sets, how to make an RPG, and our 2022 GameMaker Update.

Ponto e Vírgula also uploaded a trailer for the demo release of their upcoming 2D RPG Moth Kubit, which looks creepy and unnerving in all the right ways.

Brazil is enjoying an indie game boom right now, with thousands downloading game engines and bringing their ideas to life. Will your game be Brazil’s next smash-hit release?

Happy GameMaking!

Written by Ross Bramble
As GameMaker's resident gaming historian, Ross Bramble brings over a decade of writing experience to managing our blog and producing our gaming articles. In his spare time, he likes to complain about how long it's been since we last saw a new Kid Icarus game.
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